Sunday, March 22, 2009


Okay, if you think your life is so freaking hard, and that life's just so menguji your kesabaran...

Try thinking about other people. There just must be someone out there that's just so much more bad things going on in their lives.

You just screwed up so badly in your assignment. Whether you're depressed cause you just fought with your boyfriend. Whether you're alone at home and you just feel so terribly lonely.

There is always someone out there that's suffering a lot more than you.

I realised that today.

Dear You,
I'm very sorry if all this while I've been dumping you with such petty things. I felt so bad after knowing all the things you've told me yesterday. I just can't imagine how you can get through day by day and not just break down. You know how I would be kan? :) I only pray and hope that whatever happens, you'll stay strong. And you'll always always always always have me. Eh! We didn't take picture!

To be honest, when I was being told of that, I wanted to cry there and then for you. But I figured I had to show a brave face, because I guess that's what you needed. Someone who'd just listen and not affect you emotionally. Someone who is just...there. I can tell you straight that if you cried, I would've cried with you. I sincerely hope everything goes out well. I'm glad that you were actually courageous enough to tell me; knowing that wasn't actually a moment to be proud of. 


I must sleep now.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Banz my darling.
    i thank you for hearing me out. i saw the tears glistening in your eyes actually. i held myself in coz i knew if i were to break down, u would too. sorry if i made u worry unnecessarily. and pls pls pls dont apologise for telling me all the petty things u face. coz everything about u matters to me. dont feel bad :)
    you gave me strength and courage to take a step i've been afraid to take in the past. in fact, i've been TOO afraid. you are an amazing friend to me.
    i can only pray for the best for my family now. love you Banz. thank u. cant wait to see u again.


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