Part 1.5 continued.
Mel sticking out the Velcro windows. See! Got air-con!
now where was I?
oh yeah, ice breaking time!
So we went over to the Playground Area (the place to do all the activities. not playground
Playground.) to start our ice breaking. We had a few very fun games, namely the Power Charge ( i think), then there was Bang Bang, then there was Warp Speed. All of which was sooooo funny! Haha.
I find it hard to verbally explain Power Charge. Cause like...susah. Anyway, I'll try. This game, requires us to like...bend our knees a lil. Like half-way to do a squat? then your hands with your fingers pointing front then you say "
JUJUJUJUJUUJU" as fast as u can. Are you doing it? Or imagining it at least? Haha. When you're in this position and going "
JUJUJUJU", you're charging. Kay so the game goes like this, a person will be in the middle of the circle, and everyone else in the circle just stands and waits till your name is being called or the person on the left or right of you gets called. Then when the person's name is called, he has to charge himself then the person to the left and the right of him charges him as well. Then the person yang mencharge diri tadi tu kan after he completes charging, he'll say any other person's name la anywhere around the circle. Whoever yang lambat kena calit muka with face paint! hahaha. When ada orang yang kena more than 3 times, EVERYONE gets to put one line on the person's face yang kalah!
She got calit-ed! By 30 people!
Did you understand? Haha. So in one way or another, we began to know everyone else's name. There were man Chinese students during the camp so after introducing ourselves we found it hard to remember this one particular side of a circle where most of the chinese guys were. Zainul joed around and just before Imara introduced herself Zainul went (in a typical Chinese accent - no offence.) "
This is IMALA" then everyone just BURST into laughter. He was with his calm face and his curly big hair as if nothing had happened. Haha.
Zainul among the girls. Zainul's the one in the white shirt, in case you can't spot the man. Just kidding Zai ;)
Warp Speed is about figuring out how to pass the ball within your group mates in the fastest way possible. We did about 1+ second. The other team less than a second! How? Go figure :D
Bang Bang was a bit similar to Power Charge, except that when a person's name gets called, he immediately squats and the person to his left and right has to say the person on the opposite's name. I getting this right?
Yang dicalit... Me-Imara-MelAnyway, in that game i got one face paint stripe cause I simply stumbled when I was about to say Mel's name. Then I got Mel back! Heeheee :D sorry Mel!
So then after that, we headed on to ROCK CLIMBING! It was gonna be the first time I've ever gone rock climbing and I was pretty excited. There were 3 walls to climb, and each wall had points. There was a 50 wall, the 100 wall, and the 200 wall, the level of difficulty increases with the score.
Nazie, Saqina, Mel, Imara, Nad
Joe and trainer Ajip.
Helmets! Safety first.With many people lining up to do the 50 wall, lil me went up to do the 100! without even attempting the 50. Despite it being the 1st time i ever rock climbed, for the team, I went anyway.
The 50 Wall.
The 100 Wall...Part of it. Ajip climbing. He's fast!
the remaining of the 100 Wall. Ajip's there!
Saqina (in red) on the 200 wall and Ka Mun (in white) on the 100 wall.
Saqina's at the top!
it's really high.And God, it was tiring. And
REALLY high. But I made it! With the help of friends that told me where to put my feet la of course. After that all my energy was drained, I actually had a difficult time climbing up the 50 wall because of my short legs. Then again, thanks to my anchor and trainers, they lifted me up. Haha. I kinda wished I just tried climbing the 200. Oh well.
By sundown everyone was tired and was somewhat entertained by the "Korean Drama" that was going on.
So after that there was dinner. Then we lepak-ed bawah dorm. Then we went to sleeeeeep. ZzZZzzzZZ.
End of part 1! :D
That took me a while. Haha.
Things are hmm, prolly getting better now i suppose? Moving out of our beloved house early January. But rent will be 50 bucks higher - RM12.50 more for each. There goes 2 days of lunch money!
I was watching a video of JT (yes, JT, again) on youtube. Summer Love live. That performance was extremely hot. So very hot. Terlalu hot. He's just so sexy. I tell you, if ever he has a concert in Malaysia, I would go. No money after that pun never mind. How can you not? It's Justin!
Which reminds me, I want to make a new passport.
Mana la tau Justin goes to Singapore instead *winks* Haha.
Come dance with me baby! Dance till we go keraayyyzehh!