L-R: DDR a.k.a Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Tap Tap Revenge for IPod Touch, and the eversoclassic PaRappa the Rapper!
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Rhythm Paradise is not your average rhythm-coordination game. It's more of a rhythm-attention-speed game. What it truly is, is a less graphic, a much more simple (while being quite challenging to get 'Perfect') tap tap and flick game to cute characters as well as really catchy cartooney beats.
I don't know why its aged 3+ and above, I would be worried that a child that age would break the DS screen!
There are 40 stages altogether plus 10 more being the Remix stages. Its like...once you've learned all the ways to tap & flick to different songs, the remix comes - with no practise as a reminder of how to tap or flick!
What gets the game addictive and going is the situations they put you in - alien shooting, farmer picking up beets and kicking away moles, you being a monkey as an audience of a concert, and even as ducks in the military! Sure tapping and flicking may seem a tad bit redundant, but to hell with redundancy... you're gonna get hooked.
Though no popular songs as they would have in Elite Beat Agents (graphics also not manga-like; as you'll see later its very kiddy and cutesy), things like "Yeah, yeah, yeah" or "Peck your beak!" would definitely get stuck in your head after putting the game down.
This character is "You" from the Glee Club stage. Cute kan?
This stage is I forgot what, but you've to fill up the robots with just the right amount of oil
Aww look, it's the Love Lizards!
What better way to show how to play than a video. :D Toodles people! Go get Rhythm Paradise!